Sunday 20 December 2009

New One-Shot

Okay, so I posted this new one-shot I'm referring to, called Wintry Solace, quite a while ago. It is of course, another UDDUP fan fic, and I had originally intended it to be a Christmas Special for my readers, but I finished it a lot sooner than I thought I would, so I posted it up early.

It is, essentially, a smut fic. *gasps* The fandom was lacking, what could I do? D:

Clicky here to go check it out.

In other news, I've been furiously working away on my latest course assignment, which is to write a short story of 2,200 words. I'm not used to writing anything that short, but I think I've managed to create a believable piece of fiction... I hope. :o

I'll post it up here once I have it all polished and shiny. ;)

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Thorny Path Chapter 8

Chapter 8 of Thorny Path has just been posted up.

Phew, what a struggle it was to write that chapter. I'm not sure if it's my odd sleep cycle at the moment or something else, but I had a tough time getting the word count up. :o

Thankfully I had some help via some suggestions, so it's finally all done. :D

I'm hoping the next chapter will come more easily to me. :o

And yup, I've still not completed the lasted chapter of Entwined. I just can't seem to find any motivation to continue it at the moment. It's not as if the story is dull or anything either. Bah. :/

Monday 30 November 2009

Little Red Riding Hood - Revisited!

So, I had a little exercise to do for my writing course. I had to write two 150 word scenes from the fable, Little Red Riding Hood. One I had to 'tell' the scene, the other I had to 'show' the scene. Not too sure how successful I was, but here you go. ;)

Little Red Riding Hood - Telling

Little Red Riding Hood walked along the long path that meandered through the woods. She spotted some flowers growing at the edge of the tree-line and paused, crouching down for a closer look.

Her mother had told her explicitly not to stop on her way to her Grandmother’s house, but her instructions were now forgotten as she placed the basket loaded with goodies on the ground. She proceeded to pluck some of the flowers from the grass and inspect them with an innocent happiness.

Suddenly, she jumped to her feet as she was surprised by a voice behind her.

‘What are you doing out here all alone, little girl?’

She picked up the basket on the ground and turned around. Her mother’s second piece of advice was now also forgotten – ‘don’t talk to strangers’.

‘I’m on my way to my Granny’s house,” she said cheerily.

(Word Count: 145)

Little Red Riding Hood - Showing

The woodsman craned his neck, his eyebrows furrowing together. His fingers held onto the warm wooden handle of his axe loosely as his eyes took in the sight before him. The flimsy looking door to the cottage stood partially open and he crept towards it, knees bent, weight on the balls of his feet.

His breath came more quickly and he could feel the prickle of sweat beading on his forehead. His head jerked to the side as his over-strained hearing picked up a low, rumbling creak in the inky darkness. The knot in his stomach tightened as he took another step forward, engulfed by the blackness that blanketed the interior of the cottage.

‘Help.’ The whimpering cry seemed to crawl up his spine before entering his ears, his heart skipping a beat.

The weapon in his hand felt heavier than before as he raised it before him, his muscles tensing.

(Word Count: 151)

Sunday 29 November 2009

Thorny Path Chapter 7

I posted up chapter 7 of Thorny Path last night. Woot!

Even though I'm suffering pretty badly with jet lag this time around, it doesn't seem to be affecting my writing too much. I think I made a little slip up at the end of the chapter, but it's nothing too huge, and it did sort of fit in with the mood of that scene.

Going to start on chapter 8 now. :)

I wonder if I have the right balance of action and fluffiness now... *shrugs*

Thursday 26 November 2009

Thorny Path Chapter 6

Yep it's that time again. A new chapter of Thorny Path has been finished and posted up for your viewing pleasure. ;)

Things get more action-y, with Mamoru indulging in one of his favourite pastimes, and Haruka collapses! :O I had to bump the rating up to M as Mamoru was... well, Mamoru. It happened a bit sooner than I had expected, but ack well, what can you do when a story writes itself? :P

Flying back to Sweden tomorrow, so with all the travelling and the recovering from said travelling, I may not have a new chapter finished for the next few days. You never know though! :D

Monday 23 November 2009

Thorny Path Chapter 5

Chapter 5 of Thorny Path has been uploaded! Well, technically, it was posted up last night, but my memory failed me again, and I forgot to post here. >.>

This chapter has no MamXHaru interaction. :( Well, I needed to get the plot sort of kick-started, so I concentrated on developing that. So, Mamoru's in some scenes we're more familiar with. I think that's a good thing... right? >.<

Anyway, I'm still failing at updating Entwined. I probably won't get a chance now until I get back to Sweden. :<

Saturday 21 November 2009

Thorny Path Chapter 4

Whoo! Chapter 4 of Thorny Path is completed and posted up! Go me! :D

I really enjoyed writing this chapter, even though there wasn't any action in it, which is one of my favourite things to write... hmm, what's wrong with me? Am I turning soft? :o Oh oh, but Mamoru did draw his weapon, so that's got to account for something, right? There's a lot of thought dialogue in this fic, a lot more than I usually put in my stories, and it's rather difficult to know if I'm doing it in a way that's true to the characters. I mean, you don't get to see a lot of the characters' inner thoughts in the manga, because of the type of media it is, so their true inner selves are difficult to see, and thus portray. Meh, I'll just chalk it down to artistic license. That usually works. :P

I also got some more of Entwined chapter 14 written. It's coming along... slowly, but surely. >.>

Friday 20 November 2009

Thorny Path Chapter 3

Chapter 3 of Thorny Path is up!

Was a little bit later than I had planned, but was still a heck of a lot faster than my usual updates. :P

I just realised, the main character is a blind swordsman who kicks ass, but I've written three chapters where he hasn't kicked anyone's ass yet! Amg! In fact, he's not even drawn his weapon yet. >.> Must remedy that!

Will try and get Entwined chapter 14 finished in the next day or two. :)

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Thorny Path Chapter 2

I posted up chapter 2 of Thorny Path last night. That surely must be a new record for me. Two chapters in one day! O.o

I'm also in the middle of writing chapter 3. That should be finished by the end of the day, and will be available for reading online tonight... hopefully.

The story's only had about 20 hits so far, which isn't all that surprising, sadly. I wonder how I could get the word out about the UDDUP manga so more people can start reading it, and enjoying its awesomeness? :O On a brighter note, I have 2 fantastic reviewers already, who actually put an effort into their reviews instead of the usual 'update plx' and no more. Thank you, you two! You know who you are! :D

As for Entwined. I'm about halfway through chapter 14. I'll probably finish that chapter before writing any more of Thorny Path, but it shouldn't take all that long. :)

Back to the grindstone then! :D

Tuesday 17 November 2009

New Fan Fiction

Yes, I know, I probably have too much on my plate already, but I just couldn't help myself. >.>

I've just posted the prologue up for my new fan fiction called Thorny Path. It's based on the Until Death Do Us Part manga, which is sorely under-read I might add! It is also extremely poorly represented, fan fiction wise, which was a contributing factor to me writing this now.

The story is based around the manga's two main characters - Mamoru and Haruka. In the manga you can tell a romance is bound to bloom between them, but Haruka is only 12 at the start of it, so I'm using some artistic license to move my own story on in years a bit to make the romance a bit less... icky. :p It is first and foremost an action story though, so expect lots of kick ass swordplay and general awesomeness. ;)

Now to finish Chapter 14 of Entwined, so I don't feel too guilty. :P

Friday 13 November 2009

Small Passage of Fiction

Well, I just received the marks back from my first assessment for my writing course. It was less than I had hoped for at 76%. There were several parts to the assessment, the passage of fiction being the second part. I'm going to post it here for you to read. :)

Lost Hope

The day had finally come. All the trouble, the hardships, the intensely difficult training; it had all been for this day.

Vera lazily surveyed the room. She barely took note of the furnishings. The bed she had slept in the night before was still unmade, the twisted sheets attesting to the restlessness she had been feeling for several days now. She paused as she noticed her reflection in the full length mirror that was hanging on the wall beside her.

Unconsciously, she tugged at the hem of the silky blouse she was wearing, smoothing the material. Her eyes trailed upwards to her face. What she saw there startled her. Fingertips gingerly probed the smooth skin of her cheeks, tracing a line to the corner of one eye. Why was her skin damp? She saw her fine, blonde eyebrows knit together in a frown and her eyes widened as the memories came flooding back to her.

Oh yes, it was that day. The day that was supposed to fulfil her life’s wishes. The one she had been working towards since before she could remember. Yet, all she had dreamed of, all she had hoped for, had been blown away by a single piece of news. Fresh tears rolled freely down her cheeks.

It was gone.


Vera stepped out of the hotel room, closing the door behind her. No matter how upset she was, she couldn’t let it show outwardly. Her hands trailed to her hair, yet again, checking it was all in place. It had refused to sit flat, so she had twisted it all together and pinned it behind her head in a loose bun.

Taking a deep breath, she steeled herself for the day ahead of her and turned to walk the few feet to the elevator, almost barging straight into the front of an expensive looking, crisp white shirt in the process.

Practically leaping a step backwards, she bit back the scathing remark that was to be aimed at the wearer of the shirt - a slender, dark haired man of perhaps thirty years of age. Full lips curled into a smirk.

“I didn’t mean to startle you, Ma’am.” His voice held a gravelly tone to it, putting Vera immediately on edge.

She groaned inwardly at her own reaction. She had been in a daze for the better part of the morning, so much so that she hadn’t even noticed the man approaching her.

“It’s fine,” she mumbled dismissively. She really was not in the mood for any kind of human interaction at the moment.

She offered a half-smile, more out of politeness than any real sincerity and moved to walk past him and towards the elevator. The lingering scent of stale tobacco and something she couldn’t quite identify reached her senses as they passed each other. She mused over it for a moment before dismissing it.

“Vera Layton, yes?”

She paused at the sound of the gravelly voice again, her eyes widening slightly in surprise. Turning, she saw the man had taken only a few steps in the opposite direction.

“Who are you?” she asked, somewhat suspiciously.

That smirk was back on his lips. “Apologies for not introducing myself sooner. My name is Alec Kale.”

His hand slid into his suit jacket and he fumbled about until he found whatever he had been looking for. He flashed a toothy grin as he pulled out a small yellowing envelope.

“I believe this’ll be of interest to you, Ma’am.” He waved the envelope in front of him for added effect.

Vera stared blankly at the object in his hand for a moment, before her gaze shifted to his face. The grin had faded and he met her look confidently. She had no idea who this man was or the reason for his sudden appearance, but she presumed it was no coincidence that he was here now, on this day, after the news she had been given earlier.

“Very well, Mr. Kale. I’ll hear what you have to say.”

His lips twitched slightly, and Vera presumed he was trying to suppress that annoying smirk.

“Good choice, Miss Layton.”

He strode over to her, his immaculate leather shoes thudding softly on the carpeted floor and offered her the envelope.

Vera grasped the yellowing paper, but as she tried take it, Alec tightened his own grip. She glanced at the man’s face, half scowling. His head was cocked slightly to one side, all traces of humour had disappeared from his features.

“I hope you’re ready for what you’re about to discover, Miss Layton.”

(Word Count: 761)

Thursday 5 November 2009

Entwined Chapter 13

Woohoo, I finally finished Chapter 13 of Entwined! Oh yes, and posted it up too! Clicky here if you want to take a look. ;)

Wow, that sure took some time, huh? Sorry, sorry. Initially, I wasn't too happy with it, but after re-reading it and tweaking it a bit, I'm sort of okay with it now. Not very encouraging, eh? >.>

Ack well, now to get started on Chapter 14! :D

Wednesday 4 November 2009


If you've not heard of it before, this post title's probably got you wondering what I'm smoking, right? Well, not to fear! It's only tobacco! Anyway, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month, and it's being running for a few years (not sure how many exactly) during the month of November. Basically, it's a challenge to write a 50,000 word (or more) novel from scratch within the space of that month.

The idea is to simply just write and not worry about content too much, or editing. That comes in December. :P The only reward if you reach the goal, is some downloadable certificate, but I think the sense of accomplishment you would get is a sufficient reward, amirite? Anyhoo, here's a link to my profile page, and you can go and sign up from there or read more, etc, if you're interested!

I'm at 11,545 words at the moment, so it's going not too badly. Fingers crossed for me! :P

Oh, and Entwined Chapter 13 is almost finished. Go me!

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Shame On Me!

Well, it's been a while, but thought I'd post an update here. :)

I'm busy studying away at the moment. Well, technically, not really studying, as the course I'm doing is a writing one. It doesn't really require 'study' per se.

I'm part way through writing Entwined Chapter 13. Haven't really had the time to finish it though. I did open up the document yesterday, but then was called away to do something else. >.>

I've also written quite a bit more for my original fiction, so that's coming along nicely.

I'll post a small passage of fiction here that I had to write for my coursework. 75 word limit.

The sun had set hours ago, leaving the cramped, overly-filled office space in a state of gloom. The usually glaring overhead lights were off and the only source of illumination came from an old, barely functioning table lamp.

A solitary figure sat behind the dull glow of the lamp, half hidden behind a clutter of office paraphernalia stacked haphazardly on the desks surrounding him. He was scouring through a dog-eared day planner, muttering to himself.

(Word count: 75)

Wednesday 9 September 2009

Entwined Chapter 12

Oh, I completely failed at keeping this blog up to date this time. >.>

Well, Chapter 12 has been up for a good week or two now. Oops! I have excuses though! Yay!

I'm actually on the Isle of Arran at the moment, on a little family vacation with my parents. To say the internet connection here is unstable, would be generous! Ah well, only a few days left then I'll be back in Sweden. :)

Theeeen, in the beginning of November, I'm off to L.A for 2 weeks. Woot! That should be interesting. *nod nod*

Anyway, because of all this hustle and bustle, Entwined will probably not be updated as much as I would like. It's bad enough already, I know, but real life must take priority. :<

I've already started on Chapter 13, so don't despair! :D

Saturday 25 July 2009

Entwined Chapter 11

Darn, this post is a couple of days late again. >.>

Oh well! The next chapter of Entwined is up on FFN now! :D

Again, it took a rather long time to get the chapter completed. I’ve been finding it difficult finding time to write as well as the inclination. So, meh. :(

This last chapter seems to have been well received though, so that makes me happy! As always, I shall try my best to update a little quicker with the next chapter, but I can’t make any guarantees.

I’d better leave this post here. I have some dinner event thingy to attend and need to get ready within the hour. Aaargh, cannot be bothered with it, really! >.<

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Thursday 2 July 2009

New Story

Soooo, I had this sudden burst of inspiration last night. I know! It finally happened! O.o

Well anyway, this isn't a fan fiction that I started writing today, it's a completely original story! Ohmigosh! So, sorry dear but this story won't be gracing your pages. I'm really excited about it though, I truly love the idea I've come up with. Gotten about 14 pages written so far, and it's progressing nicely me thinks.

It's less serious than my usual writing, though it still has serious overtones.

Don't worry though! I shall still be updating Entwined, of course. ;)

Now... I wonder if anyone actually reads this blog to view this tidbit of information... :o

Sunday 28 June 2009

Entwined Chapter 10

Three weeks have passed since I posted the last chapter. Blimey! I am such a slacker! :o

Ah well, I do have valid reasons, though I'm not going to make excuses, as I have been slacking too. >.<

I got me a new PC though! Well, actually it's my fiancé's 'old' one. Only a few months old, and he felt he had to go get another new one, and I got the hand-me-down. *chuckles* I can't complain though, it's pretty nice. It's a fantastic gaming computer. Now I just need to start playing some games again... No! I musn't! Must devote more time to updating Entwined! *cough*

Anyway! Hope the wait for the chapter was worth it! *trudges off to begin writing next chapter*

Sunday 7 June 2009

Entwined Chapter 9

Oh dear, I keep forgetting to add updates to this blog at the right time. I'm a day or two late again. :<

Chapter 9 took quite a while longer to write than the other chapters as my fiancé decided to give me his flu. How generous, eh?

The most annoying thing is that it never came out properly, so I was moping around for a week feeling generally miserable with no end in sight. I suppose the good thing is that it could have been worse. But coughing your lungs up when you have broken ribs is just... eek!

Anyway, enough moaning from me! The new chapter is up on aswell as media miner (though I'm not sure if it's worth posting it on both sites). It seems to have been generally well received so far, and the scene I'm currently working on is so much fun. *giggles maniacally*

Saturday 23 May 2009

Entwined Chapter 8

Whoo, Chapter 8 is now up on

Thankfully, no silly writer's block this time, and I'm quite happy with this chapter. Let's hope my readers are too. :D

Time to go do some Archaeology work now though. >.>

Wednesday 20 May 2009

Entwined Chapter 7

Finally got the seventh chapter of Entwined posted up on And, boy, was it a struggle. Silly writer's block. I really hope the chapter didn't suffer because of the struggle.

Here's hoping that it never, ever happens again. Though I probably won't be so lucky. >.>

Monday 18 May 2009

Disaster Strikes!

Oh noes! Okay... it's not a complete disaster, but I seem to have been struck down by a case of writer's block.

I've already discussed this with my sister, and her suggestions were great. She said I should continue on with a scene of the fiction that I was looking forward to. But unfortunately, I can't seem to focus on it as my frustrating mind seems to keep wandering back to the scene I was originally stuck on. I really dislike leaving things unfinished, and especially that I must complete said scene to be able to post the chapter. So... well... bleh!

I've been reading some other fanfictions to try and get some inspiration. Hasn't been successful so far. :(

I have been listening to some fantastic music though. I managed to write a couple of lines while listening to E.S. Posthumus' albums Cartographer and Unearthed. Great music by the way! Unfortunately, the spurt of writing didn't last too long, and I'm back to being stuck again. *sigh*

*ponders whatever she should do*

Sunday 17 May 2009

Entwined Chapter 6

I'm a bit late with this post again. *cough*

I posted up yet another chapter of Entwined on on Friday. That was a really quick update for me. *grins proudly*

My course started officially yesterday, though I've not done anything towards it yet. *whistles innocently* I wanted to keep up the quick updating pace, but looks like that won't be entirely possible. As I said before, though, I shall at least aim for once per week. *fingers crossed*

Right, time to go read some books on Archaeology... >.>

Thursday 14 May 2009


I've added some thumbnails of some of my own artwork to the sidebar on the right. Not only does it make the blog look more pretty, but I like to show off. :P

Okay, showing off is maybe an exaggeration. All the pictures are fairly old, at least a few years, and not exactly amazing. But they're good enough quality to post up here me thinks.

If you'd like to see bigger images, please let me know, and I'll think about putting a slideshow or link to an online album up. :)

Entwined Chapter 5

I posted Chapter 5 of Entwined up on two days ago. Blogspot was down when I tried making this post before, so it's a tad late. :P

Ahh, it was fun writing the interaction between Kaname and Zero, finally! There's going to be lots more too. :D

Now... to get to writing Chapter 6... *cracks knuckles*

Oh also, as a sidenote, I'm starting my Archaeology course next week, so updates may be a day or two slower in the coming months. I'm hoping not though!

I'll make a more informative post about my new course on my personal blog on LiveJournal. :)

Wednesday 6 May 2009

Entwined - Chapter 4

Woohoo, Chapter 4 completed and posted up on!

Again, was a little slow going, but that was only because I kept getting distracted by other things, as well as the fact that my broken ribs have been giving me hell this week. *sniff*

The story is coming along nicely now, and I'm really rather looking forward to the next chapter, where we'll see our two protagonists, Zero and Kaname, actually interact for the first time. *grins*

Let's hope I'll get some more people reviewing, as that really helps motivate me. *smiles*

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Entwined - Chapter 3

Finally finished Chapter 3 of my first Vampire Knight fan fiction! *cheers*

This one seemed to go very slowly. The previous two chapters just sort of wrote themselves, but this one seemed to crawl along. Still, i'm happy with how it turned out, and I hope everyone else will be too.

Now, just need to wait on a certain someone proof-reading it, and I'll get it posted up on :D

Sunday 26 April 2009

Decisions, Decisions

Okay, so i've decided what to do with this blog.

I shall be using it for updates, ideas, thoughts, etc for my writing. Whether that be fan fiction or original projects. My Livejournal blog will still be in use, but more for ranting about the state of the world, and more personal notes. ;)

Now... to just get people to read them! :D

My Muse is Back!

Oh yes, finally. My little muse has awoken from her several year long slumber, and i'm back to writing! Starting off with fan fictions, as the ideas or characters are already well established, it makes the writing process so much simpler. :)

I had to create yet another account as the other three were so old, I had forgotten my log in details. >.<>Here's a link to my profile, so if you're interested you can take a look at either fictions.

Now i'll need to concentrate on writing, and getting at least one of them regularly updated. :)

Saturday 25 April 2009

Trying Out Blogger

Having had a blog up on Livejournal for a relatively long time, I thought i'd try Blogger out, as it's supposed to be a bit more versatile and independant than LJ. I've yet to decide on those counts yet, but we shall see.

Now... time to fiddle around with settings! *cheers*