Monday 1 February 2010


I've been a little busy the past couple of weeks. *gasp*

Initially, I started writing a story for my fiancé's birthday, but it has evolved into something far more epic than I had originally intended. It's a fantasy fiction which was supposed to be a short story, but as these things have a habit of doing, it took on a life of its own and now it looks like it'll be of novel length. I've had some encouraging feedback for it, so I may write it with the intention of having it published.

In other news, I've posted some of my shorter original works up on two different sites, Storywrite and Fictionpress. I really do like the Storywrite site. It has lots of interesting features. You can check out both sites from my links section on the right.

I've also started up a fanfiction review site with my sister, with the aim of helping out aspiring writers and pointing potential readers in the direction of the truly good stuff. It's hard to find! The site is hosted on wordpress, so essentially it's a blog, but we're rather proud of how it's shaping up. We called it FanFiction Finesse and you can go check it out here, or by clicking on the link on the right of the page.